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Earthbound Metaphysical shoppe
Where Spiritual Growth Knows No Bounds
The Keepers OF The Old Ways
By: Robert Gervais PUBLISHED: July 14, 2024

Our family tradition of the natural wildways is carried on in the most respected and traditional manner possible. Each generation has added their own energy and self-practices to carry on their beliefs. Each spouse of our ancestors was also spiritual in one form or another. Looking through our family, we know of at least five generations of notable practitioners. On my maternal side, times five, Grandfather was a healer of the old ways. He used herbs and natural remedies which were all documented, and these have been passed down through the generations.
My great-grandmother was able to communicate without words. She was telepathic and an empath. My Grandmother put all her grandparents and her aunts and uncle’s practices, along with her mother’s and father’s abilities into her daily life. During her short life, she lived it to the fullest, raising her six children. She taught them her abilities of working with herbs, along with incorporating them into their daily lives. She also taught and guided her children how to facilitate their abilities to their fullest. My other great-grandmother was raised as a healer of animals. She was taught how to raise and respect all wildlife and domestic animals alike. This was an ability that was passed down through the family. These gifts at the time were passed down
and taught not just verbally but energetically as well.
My great-grandmother decided to record all this knowledge and added all her experiences to the families’ practices. If people took their animals to the veterinarian and if it either cost too much or they were unable to help the animal, then they would take their animals to my Grandmother for help. This practice was passed down to my grandfather along with all the transcribed writings, My Grandfather and Grandmother passed their teachings onto their children. In this life, he taught his children how to raise, feed, and care for all animals, domestic and wildlife alike. He also taught them how to heal and to listen to nature, not just the animals but nature itself.
My mom and all my aunts and uncles have their own experiences and abilities. For example, my mom has a unique connection to nature such abilities you will not find among other people I have taken on some of those abilities, my uncle is an herbalist much like myself. He has his own abilities as well. They all live their lives to the fullest using their gifts each day. Our family is very large, my great-grandmother had ten children and all those children had upwards of four children and if you look hard enough you will see how many of us there truly are. My many cousins and great-cousins have different abilities and most practice. My aunts and uncles have been passing on their gifts to the next generation. My cousins along with my siblings and myself all work together to make sure we understand all the workings and experiences that our ancestors had.
It is now our time to add our experiences and gifts to the family writings, so our family will continue for many generations to come. The next generation has now fully taken hold and we will never forget those that have passed. What’s to come will hit like an earthquake and we will not falter or stumble along the way.
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